"We have seen and heard from a lot of people so mad and blind as to believe and to assert that there exists a certain region called Magonia, from which ships, navigating on clouds, set sail to transport back to this same region the fruits of the earth ruined by hail and destroyed by storm, after the value of the wheat and the other fruits have been paid by these aerial navigators to the tempestarii, from whom they have received them. We have even seen several of these senseless fools who, believing the reality of such absurd things, brought in front of an assembly of men four persons in chairs, three men and a woman, who they said had fallen from these ships. They retained them in irons for some days, before they brought them before me, followed by the crowd, to stone them to death as they had been condemned, but after a long discussion, the truth finally triumphed after the many reasonings which I opposed to them and those who had shown them to the people were found, as a proverb has it, as much confused as a thief when he is surprised."